What To Do When Your Child Complains of Chronic Stomach Pain & Fear of The Boogeyman

“We keep seeing doctors and no one is helping” said the 7-year-old boy to his mother. This really hurt mom to hear this. And caused many sleepless nights.

In 2023, towards the end of the school year his attitude was becoming more aggressive and irritable. He had strep throat 4 times in 8 months and the last time he had it (February 2023) a different medication was used.

By August he was struggling with riding his bike and didn’t want to play much. His stool was mostly diarrhea which was something that wasn’t uncommon. He always wanted mom in the bathroom with him as well.

Mom noticed his struggle to release soft stool.

Towards the end of September 2023 he didn’t want to play anything and couldn’t ride his bike at all; and while playing soccer he couldn’t run fast. Mom would think he was being lazy or lying. 

Finally in November 2023, he revealed his stomach constantly hurt and he only found relief for 1-minute while he was on the toilet. His stool was coming out all sorts of colors and textures. And mom was worried. He went to a GI doctor and cut certain things from his diet and nothing changed. His blood tests came back normal and mom was told he was “fine and will grow out of it”.

Mom said, he wasn’t fine.

They started using a Hiya multi-vitamin, probiotic, nutrilite immunity and fiber husk to help firm his stool. There was some progress but it was a battle every time he needed to take them. He also had a constant runny nose. And a consuming fear of the dark with a need to check for the boogeyman below the bed and in the closet.

So mom went down an alternative route.

AirwayFirst® Orthodontics

  1. Motor Nerve Reflex Test (MNRT) reveals positive P5 (TMJ) and right-P7 (Peroneal nerve, Supinator tunnel).
  2. Touch-and-test kinesiology shows probiotic is unpaired energy. Stop use.
  3. Hiya vitamin unpaired energy. Stop use.
  4. Upper arch digital scan to fabricate dental skeletal expander.
  5. Toe spacer on left foot March 10 2024 — (until dental device completed)
  6. Started with Vicks saline nasal mist
Upper and lower arches need widening. Custom skeletal growth device fitted. Manual Motor Nerve Reflex Testing (MNRT) to verify if bite is balanced.

April 7, 2024 fitted AirwayFirst® skeletal expander. And removed toe spacer. With the continued use of Vicks saline nasal mist before bed.


  • Within a few days with AirwayFirst® Expander in the mouth, the stomach GI problems stopped.
  • He can run and play freely with no pain.
  • Fear of the boogeyman is less.
  • No more supplements or pills.
  • No runny nose (this improved earlier by stopping supplements)

Bad news—after three weeks of progress, he broke his AirwayFirst® Expander. Good news, stomach pain is cured. So the work is paused.

With this skeletal growth step far from finished, how will this case unfold in the upcoming seasons? Time will tell.

Photo courtesy Harry Kunelis DDS

Treatment architected by Harry Kunelis DDS

Lab: Jim Napolitano

AirwayFirst® case courtesy HK® Dental Group

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